HSE training
This page is an HSE Portal for personnel who are going to work on building sites for Syljuåsen AS.

HSE training
This page is an HSE Portal for personnel who are going to work on building sites for Syljuåsen AS.
Please observe that you, – upon first arrival at a Syljuåsen building site, will have to sign legally and binding that you have read and understood the text below, that you are familiar with all the requirements and regulations and that you will behave loyally to this. We strongly recommend that you read the text below THOUROUGHLY. Please also observe the form at the end of this page at that you ALLWAYS will have to bring certificates and documentation of competence for copying and archiving at the building site.
The regulations below apply to all personnel (employed or hired), including personnel from sub-contractors, consultants, building owners etc. at Syljuåsens sites at all times. This applies to all forms of work or other regular attendance.
If risk assessments, sub-contractor standard requirements and/or contractors requirements are stronger/stricter than the regulations mentioned below, these requirements will apply; strongest rules always win.
Daily registration on building sites
According to Norwegian Construction Client Regulations, the Construction Client (CC) is required to electronically register all personnel on the building site. This service is in most cases provided by Syljuåsen on behalf of the CC. Syljuåsen AS use Infobric for this service and this system will also provide evacuation muster list.
All personnel shall without exception always have a valid HSE -card on them when inside the building site perimeter. The requirements for registrations shall be obeyed – random controls will be conducted. If you forget your card, the site administration may issue a temporary card.
If personnel are found to have invalid or missing HSE-card inside the building site perimeter, the personnel in question will be escorted out and banned from entering the site until a valid HSE-card can be presented.
Personnel may be permanently banned from entering Syljuåsen building sites if these regulations are repeatedly ignored or violated.
On arrival
Everybody shall log in on the site registration units by using the personal HSE-card.
Absence during working hours
Please register out if you need to leave the site during working hours. Also remember to register in again on re-entry.
End of the day
Remember so check out by presenting the card to the reader when leaving the site.
Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)
Protective shoes and helmet shall ALWAYS be used on all Syljuåsen building sites. Exceptions are only allowed after risk assessments conducted by site management.
If requirements for visibility clothing are enforced (depending on local requirements), the garments shall be according to EN-ISO 20471. Jacket and/or trousers shall be compliant to this standard. Visibility vest may (by written exception) be used as sole visibility garment, for example during summertime and hot days, or by visitors/inspectors.
The site administration may state requirements for viability class regulations, see local HSE Information board(s).
Respiratory protective equipment shall be used when working in dusty areas or if SDS states this requirement.
Antiflame protective garment shall be used by personnel who regularly perform hot works.
Protective goggles or safety visor shall be used when operating electric/battery powered saws, angle grinders and/or other operations that may introduce risk of spraying dust, woodchips etc. Only safety goggles with side protection are approved, – helmet integrated goggles are not sufficient.
Hearing protection shall be used when operation a nail gun, bolting gun, electric/battery operated saws, impact drills, performing extensive hammering, demolition, hammering against metal etc.
Glows shall be used according to risk assessments or JHAs or when this is dictated by SDS for handling chemicals. Always use approved glows when poring/handling concrete.
Everybody is required to use PPE in addition to the listed items above as result of risk assessments, CC requirements and/or site management regulations.
Risk assessments and JHAs / Job Hazard Analysis
All personnel on sites has a duty to make themselves familiar with relevant risk assessments and JHAs for the project and special operations – these documents shall be adhered to. Contact building site management, see also checklist at the bottom of this training web page.
RIR – Risk Identification Reports
Any injuries, HSE risks, deviations and/or near misses shall be reported. Syljuåsen use Holte as reporting tool – this can be downloaded for free at AppStore/Google Play. To be able to use this, you need to be registered as a user or your employer needs to accept sub-contractor association in the system – contact site management for information.
Working at height
Working at height is always associated with high risk potential – the following rules apply:
Safety Harness / Fall protection gear
The general rule is that collective safety measures shall be preferred a. This is often not possible in certain operations, and safety harness may be an alternative. Using safety harness / fall protection gear can ONLY be used after a risk assessment (and maybe also a JHA) has been performed. Sub-contractors shall see to that such risk assessments are presented to site management PRIOR to operations for evaluations and approval. If sub-contractor is unable to perform appropriate risk assessments, the site management shall be contacted for assistance.
A rescue plan shall always be developed prior to operations. The plan shall include actions and equipment necessary to be able to assist the injured person within 10 minutes. Alerting emergency services is not accepted as sole action in this plan.
Only personnel that can present valid safety training documentation for use of safety harness / fall protection gear are allowed to use such equipment.
Use of lift / cherry pickers
Only personnel that can present valid safety training documentation for use of lifts are allowed to use such equipment. Documentation shall be forwarded to building site management prior to arrival of personnel. Syljuåsen AS required use of safety harness with fall prevention in boom lift operations, see section above.
Use of scaffolding
NOTE! Building and maintenance of scaffolding can only be done by certified personnel, – this also applies to roller platforms over 2 meters platform height.
A person using a scaffold for access or as a working platform shall know risks and dangers associated with this. As a user of scaffolding you must always be aware of the following:
Is the scaffolding approved?
Prior to entering scaffolding, you must always verify that the scaffolding is approved. The green control card with appropriated data and signatures shall always be found at the access point of the scaffolding. If this card is missing, the scaffolding is not allowed to use. Please note that rolling platforms also needs certification / green card.
Check prior to use
Wall anchoring, railing and floor system must be firm and properly assembled. Be aware of instability and excessive wobbling. Unforeseen conditions may have caused the stability of scaffolding to change / deteriorate, such as weather, wind, external forces, changes in the structure – always alert building site management if you experience irregularities.
The scaffolding shall always have railing (100 cm height), kneeboard and footboard. Gaps between wall and scaffolding shall not exceed 30 cm or alternatively be protected by railing. The floor system shall be even and completely cover all walkable surfaces to prevent objects from falling through gaps.
Do NOT use scaffolding with deviations from these regulations. Report immediately to site management if you experience deviations or dangerous conditions.
Load class
Always check and note the load class of the scaffolding – this can be found on the green control card. DO NOT exceed the load limitations!
The scaffolding shall be kept tidy at all times. Do not store tools and/or materials.
Changes and alterations prohibited!
User shall NOT change or remove scaffolding elements such as railings, wall anchoring, floors etc. If you need to modify any part of the scaffolding, please contact the scaffolding provider or site management.
Use of ladders and stepladders
The regulations for working at height also applies to use of ladders and stepladders:
Only use approved equipment
All ladder and stepladder equipment shall as a main rule be approved according to EN 131. Any ladder/stepladder brought to site by sub-contractor without such approval marking may be removed without warning if site management deems the equipment standard to be unsatisfactory.
- Ladder shall mainly be used for access, not as working platform
- If a ladder is/shall be used for access more than once, the ladder must be secured at the top
- The ladder shall reach over the access level by at least one meter – this will ease entering and exiting the ladder at the top
Ladders can only by exception be used as a working platform when working at height (over 2 meters). This is only permissible after written risk assessment documenting that alternative solutions for reaching the working area is not possible. The risk assessment must also show that residual risk of using a ladder is acceptable, that the use is a short term solution and that the conditions cannot be changed by employer or site management.
- Ladders shall be placed on a stable and firm ground/platform and places so that the ladder remains perpendicular to the ground at all times
- Ladders shall – as far as practical – be anchored at the top and/or secured at the top or in other ways when used for access and/or as a working platform
- Ladders shall be secured at the bottom to prevent sliding. The ladder shall have rubber footing or anchoring brackets.
- Ladders longer than 7 meters is not allowed
Combination ladders
- Combination ladders (free standing ladders with support) with height over 3 meters can only be used after performing a written risk assessment
- Use of combination ladders over 4 meters is not allowed
- The stepladders shall rest on an even surface
- The stepladders shall be undamaged, and all safety features and rubber footings shall be intact
- Always consider using a roller scaffold or lift instead of a stepladder – this is usually safer
- Stepladders with steps exceeding 1,7 meter above ground level is not allowed without support legs, leg bracing and sideways rails/support
- Use of stepladders over 3 meters is not permitted
Use of ladder/stepladder close to edges
- Use of ladders/stepladders closer than 3 meters to edges (stairwells, elevator-shafts etc.) is prohibited when the standing height exceeds 1 meter. This is valid even if the edge is protected by railing
- Rolling scaffolding or lifts are recommended in such situation
- If use of stepladder is the only reasonable solution, this may be allowed by performing a written risk assessment to identify use of additional safety elements, such as safety harness
Use of tools and equipment
All users of electric and/or battery-operated power tools (with some exceptions) must present documented safety training on this type of equipment. Training may be performed by competent person at employer or a third party. Documentation shall be forwarded to site management prior to arrival.
Substance register
Syljuåsen AS use CoBuilder as the substance register on construction sites. The register is possible to access by smartphones by scanning the QR-code on HSE information board.
All personnel are obligated to familiarize themselves with SDS (Safety Data Sheets) for the chemical to be used, – BEFORE the operations starts.
Sub-contractor must ensure that they are enrolled in CoBuilder to be able to add chemicals used on the construction site. If the sub-contractor is unable to enroll in the CoBuilder directly, the sub-contractor must provide SDS and/or inform site management about chemicals in use.
You as a sub-contractor employee is responsible for verifying that any sybstance you intend to bring in to the construction site is registered properly in CoBuilder.
Hot works
Hot work may only be performed by certified personnel holding a valid certificate. Please also note that the certification requirement also applies to the mandatory fire monitoring role.
If the operation is classified as high risk where potential for damage to material and/or injury of personnel is inacceptable under normal working procedures, a JHA shall be performed.
Tidiness and cleanliness
Everybody is responsible for cleaning up their own mess. Material leftovers, debris, dust etc. shall be removed after each activity and always at the end of every working day.
Lunch rooms must be kept tidy. Food, leftovers, food containers etc shall be removed after lunch – keep the tables tidy.
Clean and dry
Syljuåsen AS builds according to the “Clean and dry” principals. Information about phases and requirements will be conveyed on the building sites in meeting and/or posters.
Cranes and lifting gear
Cranes and lifting gear shall only be operated by certified personnel. Personnel must be vigilante with regards to ongoing lifting operations. Do not enter barred area! Only crane operator and/or slinger(s) may be inside lifting area.
Certification of machines
Machines regulated as requiring periodic certification (excavators, lift, forklifts, cranes etc) shall be pre-registered prior to arrival on construction site. A copy of most recent and valid certification shall be sent to site management. Any sub-contractor with uncertified machines on the site will be restricted from site until certification of machine is in place.
No smoking indoors
No smoking is allowed in doors. This applies to ALL lunching areas, restrooms, offices etc., but also buildings under construction.
Syljuåsen AS defines a building as “indoor” when the building has complete outer walls with windows and doors.
First aid
All personnel is required to have basic first aid training. Documentation shall be forwarded to building site management prior to arrival of personnel. Site management may deviate from this requirement on a personal assessment basis.
Evacuation and muster point
If evacuation of the construction site is initiated (fire, gas leak etc), the evacuation will be signaled by use of gas horn or siren. You shall immediately stop work, put down your tools and proceed to the muster point. Warn colleagues that may be unaware of the signal on your way out and assist persons in need. If you attend to injured person that is not possible to move, notify coworkers that may assist and/or warn site management.
Muster point is marked on site map and marked clearly with a muster point sign.
HSE bulletin boards and local regulations
All personnel working on the construction sites shall always keep up to date on any information, guidelines and/or regulations presented on HSE bulletin boards or in meetings.
Form for HSE declaration
All personnel on Syljuåsen AS construction sites shall BRING COPIES OF TRAINING CERTIFICATION and sign this HSE declaration confirming the training you have received. The declaration shall be downloaded here and must be brought to the site offices and signed PRIOR to entering the construction site.
Do NOT enter the construction site (beyond site offices) until this declaration has been signed and delivered to the site management.